Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Dear Monsignor Cappo (click)

Dear Monsignor Cappo,

Its been announced by Premier Rann, that you are to retire in December as Commissioner for Social Inclusion in SA.

By my reckoning, Fr. Cappo, you have been paid well in excess of $1 million, plus perks, during the almost 10 years you have been paid to do God's work.
If I am wrong, I will certainly accept your correspondence correcting me.
I will also put your response on my Twitter site, @ResidentThinker. However, so far I have never had any correspondence back from you over the years. Disappointing really.

Is there a salary increase in your move to the Federal sphere?
If so, as a taxpayer, I would appreciate knowing how much we are paying you, to do God's work for government (rumored to be a $60,000 pay rise).

As Matt and Dave said on 891 this morning, perhaps its time for you to consider standing down as a priest and stick to your well paid, day job. No conflict then for you, as
God's humble messenger.

I suppose, when a senior member of The Church gets paid handsomely by the taxpayer to assist government, then it is natural for us to question the separation of powers?

Finally Mons. Cappo, what are your qualifications in mental health? And what are the positive results of your handling of the "gang of 49"?

Best wishes,

Kerry Seebohm

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